By Mojgan Azimi

Strech Marks

Stretch marks, characterized by narrow streaks or lines on the skin, are common in people of all ages and genders. Research indicates that as many as 80% of adults may develop them at some point in their lives. These marks typically arise due to rapid changes in body size, such as weight fluctuations or muscle gain. Stretch marks originate from the dermis, the middle layer of the skin, which is essential for providing elasticity and maintaining skin structure. When individuals undergo rapid skin stretching, such as during weight gain or pregnancy, the dermis struggles to cope with the sudden expansion.

This inability to adapt leads to the formation of small tears within and under the dermis, leading to the appearance of stretch marks. While not considered an immediate health Concern, stretch marks can significantly impact individuals’ self-confidence and may cause feelings of embarrassment. Many people resort to covering them up with clothing or makeup to feel more comfortable with their appearance. For those seeking to reduce the visibility of existing stretch marks, there’s a noninvasive and highly effective treatment known as S-Marks TX, which doesn’t involve ink. In severe cases, surgery may be considered as a fundamental option before  resorting to S-Marks TX.